
Get the hang of consulting with Hansi

On Friday January 26, we’ll be repeating last year’s success and invite curious students to join our Nordic Managing Partner Hans Henrik Beck (better known as Hansi) for a tour around our Copenhagen office.


Along the way, you’ll get a good sense of what Bain & Company is all about and the impact we make with and for our clients. We’ll end the tour in our Friday bar where drinks (including non-alcoholic options) are on us and you’re most welcome to hang out with our consultants and stick around for a game of foosball or table tennis.


Want to tour the world of Bain? Sign up no later than January 14 by sending us a short motivation explaining why you want to join. For questions, please reach out to copenhagen.recruiting@bain.com



26. januar 2024 16:30


Bain Copenhagen, Kristen Bernikows Gade 1


Deadline date 14-Jan-2024


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