Kort om Advanced Macroeconomics

a) Can you give an example of a problem you go through in the course?
Fiscal policy and public debt: aspects of timing from the point of view of short-run demand stabilization and long-run sustainability.

b) Are there any courses it would be an advantage to pass before this?
Yes. Macro C and Dynamiske Modeller (p.t. only in Danish).

c) Does this course give you abilities to join other courses?
Well, “abilities” can not be guaranteed, but the emphasis in the course on broad themes and analytical methods should be of help for:

  1. Monetary Economics
  2. International Monetary Economics
  3. Financial Frictions, Liquidity, and the Business Cycle
  4. Economic Growth.

d) If I like this course, are there any other course I can join which complements this?
The same as at c) plus Advanced Macroeconometrics.

e) What could be a master thesis topic related to your course?
Many possibilities:

  1. Recent contributions to the theory of asset price bubbles.
  2. Why does the economy fall to pieces after a financial crisis?
  3. Fiscal and monetary policy in a liquidity trap.
  4. Macroeconomic repercussions of wide-ranging deleveraging.
  5. A discussion of Thomas Piketty’s theses on income and wealth distribution.


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