PhD opportunity at University of Copenhagen / Danske Bank

Are you intrigued by the fundamental questions in economics and eager to find creative ways to address them with big datasets and modern empirical methods? Do you have excellent skills in empirical economics and data management? Would you like to work with leading bank economists and academic researchers while earning a PhD degree in economics?

If yes, then you may be interested in an upcoming PhD position embedded within an existing research collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and Danske Bank.

The PhD candidate will be working with the rest of the research group on a new project studying how rising inflation shapes the financial decisions of households, e.g. their day-to-day spending, their investments in housing and stock markets and their labor supply. There will also be time to develop and implement an independent research project during the PhD period.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send an email to Professor Niels Johannesen ( no later than 19 June 2020. Explain in a few words what motivates your interest and attach a resume and a grade transcript.


Økonomisk Institut




19. juni 2022


If you are interested in this opportunity, please send an email to Professor Niels Johannesen ( no later than 19 June 2020. Explain in a few words what motivates your interest and attach a resume and a grade transcript.