As students we have access to vast amounts of scientific papers on the web. We can access these by 1) visiting the library, connecting to their wifi and then search for the paper. Or 2) we can use the remote access provided by the library. This involves the following steps:
- Go to
- Search for the paper
- Click 'Online resource'/'Online adgang'
- Pick a source – if there are multiple sources (example).
- And bingo – access!
The search engine at is quite good. But in my experience not all papers are indexed1. And more importantly this process does not fit very well with my general work flow. There is an easier way!
Web search – and especially Google Search – is such an integrate part of our daily life. It is the natural starting point for most queries, since you can do it directly from your browser. Google Scholar is a natural extension, since it builds on the same search engine and indexes, but limits the results, only showing you scientific papers. When I search for a paper I usually start at Google or Google Scholar.
This might lead me to webpage with the following URL:
When using remote access I discovered that it would take me to slightly different URL, something like:
This gave me the idea to create a bookmarklet that simply adds to any URL. I have been using this bookmarklet for the last year or so and it works like a charm.
The code for the bookmarklet is:
javascript:window.location=%22;You can add it, by creating a new bookmark in your browser and copy-pasting the code above into the URL-field... OR by dragging the following link to your bookmarks bar / favourites... OR right-click on the following link and selecting 'Add to bookmarks'. The methods might be slight different depending on which browser you use.
Don't click the link, it will just take you to: You will get 404 error page, or a page listing all sources ( is not on the list, sorry guys).
This is how my bookmarks bar looks after I have added the bookmarklet:
[Bonus: OSX Safari has keyboard shortcuts for the bookmarks bar. In my case 'Fjernadgang' (Remote Access) is the third item in the bookmarks bar so I can press cmd+3 and voila... Access! Other browsers have similar features. If you know the shortcuts in other browser then please leave a comment below.]
The first time you use the bookmarklet, you will be asked to login at But once you've done this, you have 1-click access until you close your browser.
If you don't have a user then create one (remember to select 'Studerende ved Københavns Universitet' when creating a new user).
Of course the bookmarklet can only give you access to the scientific papers, journals and sources with which the library has an agreement. This will work with most sources (like JSTOR, Springer, ScienceDirect, etc.), but might work with marketing journals (like 'Foundations and Trends® in Marketing') or smaller journals. It will not work with random websites.
Trying to access a journal or source without an agreement might give you an error. The most common is 404 Not found. Other errors include writing something like 'Your access to this site is provided by Copenhagen University', but still not letting you access the PDF without paying. Or taking you to another page that lists all sources that have an agreement with the library.
In these cases you will have to try the library at CBS, or use the 'Can't find what you're looking for?' / 'Fandt du ikke hvad du søgte?' link at the bottom of to place a manual request for the item.
The bookmarklet is mainly useful for scientific papers. When searching for books I still prefer to use
Happy hunting (and thank your librarian!)
Jonas, fellow student.
Fodnote 1: In these cases – after you discover the paper is not indexed – you would have to: 2b) search for the journal, 3b) click 'online resource', 4b) pick source, 5b) navigate the sources page to find the paper, 6b) And bingo (slightly less exited!).
Martin Nø...
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