5 skarpe om Game Theory

Can you give an example of a problem you go through in the course?
1) Women have preferences over men and men have preferences over women. Is there a stable marriage-matching; i.e. is there a matching between men and women such that no man would like to leave his wife for a woman who also would like to leave her husband for him? (answer: yes; the Noble prize was awarded for the answer in 2012!)

2) A buyer knows his valuation but not the production costs of the seller. The seller knows his production costs but not the buyer's valuation. Is there an institution/market mechanism/game such that the buyer and seller trade if and only if the valuation is higher than the costs? (answer: no)

In which job situations could this course be relevant?
The course trains strategic and logic thinking as well as problem solving competences. These should be relevant in all kind of job situation.

Are there any courses it would be an advantage to pass before this?
Students should remember what they learned in "Microeconomics C" and the math courses of the bachelor program.

Does this course give you abilities to join other courses?
It is possible that this course is followed by a seminar in spring 2014 (which will then require that you took the course).

If I like this course, are there any other course I can join which complements this?
Related courses (dealing mainly with applications of game theory) are: Auctions, Contract Theory and the Economics of Organization, Advanced Industrial Organization, Corporate Finance Theory

Game Theory kan følges på kandidatdelen og kursusbeskrivelsen kan findes her

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