5 skarpe om Advanced Development Economics: Applied Macroeconomic and Policy Analysis

Can you give an example of a problem you go through in the course?

The course will look at a range of applied macroeconomic policy issues facing developing countries. For instance we will:

- Analyse macroecononomic data & national accounts to identify core economic strengths, weaknesses and risks

- Apply simple policy models (e.g., used by IMF/World Bank) for forecasting and analysis

- Consider management of external flows (e.g., natural resources)

- Think about valuation and management of the real exchange rate 

In which job situations could this course be relevant?

This course will be useful for any jobs that involve exposure to developing countries. The course should be especially relevant for students that seek to work in areas such as emerging markets finance, international organizations, government ministries, or diplomatic missions etc.

Are there any courses it would be an advantage to pass before this?

Core macroeconomic and any development courses at the BA level.

Does this course give you abilities to join other courses?

Nothing specifically.

If i like this course, are there any other course i can join which complements this?

The other development courses are very complementary. There is no “best” order in which to take them.

Advanced Development Economics: Applied Macroeconomic and Policy Analysis kan følges på kandidatdelen og kursusbeskrivelsen kan findes her.


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