A new year for Economists Without Borders

A lot has happened with Economists Without Borders in short time. We have been established as an organization and now needs to move on to the thing we really want to do: solve projects for humanitarian organizations.

The Danish chapter of Energy Crossroads, which is an international organization that works to promote international awareness of global warming, has asked us to help them with both specific projects and the whole organization. We will need to hand out those assignments on Monday the 24th.

Furthermore Nordea is now officially the main sponsor of Economists Without Borders which means that our budget so far for 2011 has been covered. Still, we will keep on looking for more funding as it is the gateway to bringing the organization even further.

After the meeting we will go to Stue 11 (bar near CSS) for a beer so there is plenty of opportunity to get to know a lot of people.

Are you new and don't know anything about Economists Without Borders please come to room 2.0.18 on CSS the 24th of January at 16:30 for a presentation. If you already know who we are and what we do please come at 17:00 for the actual meeting.


Economists Without Borders is an organization founded by polit-students and is based on Copenhagen University. It both works to promote developmental studies in general and help humanitarian charity organizations with the skill-set given to us from our study of economics. The organization is not limited to students from Copenhagen University but wishes to include students from other schools and faculties as well. Our working-language is English so should you be an international student it is definitely possible for you to contribute to the project!


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