Beat the Clock, Crack the Case

At Quartz+Co Case Challenge you will gain deep insight into complex problem solving and test your skills within strategic analysis and teamwork while solving a business critical assignment for SPORT-MASTER, the largest chain of sports goods shops in Denmark. Furthermore, you will be presenting your findings to the top management of leading retail, private equity and consulting companies.

Over the 24 hour challenge, you and your team will work intensely on solving a case, and in the end present your solution to a highly competent judging panel comprised of Jens Høgsted, CEO of SPORT-MASTER, Michael Haaning, Principal in NC Advisory, Advisor to the Nordic Capital funds and Hans Henrik Beck, Managing Partner in Quartz+Co.

Quartz+Co Case Challenge will take place on November 18-19, 2013 at Quartz+Co’s office in Ryesgade. Accommodation and transport will be covered for students from outside of Zealand.

Apply by sending a short motivational letter, your CV and a transcript of your grades to before November 5, 2013. You can apply in two ways 1) Apply alone – we will team you up with two peers, 2) Apply as a team of three (only one motivational letter per team). Any queries can be directed at casechallenge@quartzco. com.



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