Become a mentor for an international exchange student

The semester is slowly drawing to an end, which means that soon a new group of exchange students will make their way to Copenhagen to spend a semester with us.

We are therefore one again looking for nice and open people who are willing to give the exchange students a warm welcome to Denmark, and we were hoping that you want to be one of them.

As a mentor you will be teamed up with an exchange student on a one-to-one basis. You are welcome to send us preferences regarding your mentee’s nationality, gender and educational level.

The tasks to be a mentor are not difficult. We however expect you to get in touch with your mentee before the arrival, offer to pick up the person at the airport, and be helpful during your mentee’s stay in Copenhagen. Especially the first few weeks are important. How much time you want to spend with your mentee aside from that, is completely up to you.

As ”reward” for your effort you will be invited to the events that IMECO hosts during the semester. Over the last semesters we had great intro and pizza parties, went bowling, hosted movie nights, visited Tivoli and much more. Everything of course free of charge for you!

Being a mentor is probably the easiest and nicest way to socialize and to meet new people from all over the world. If one or your friends signs up as a mentor as well the events usually get even more fun.

If you are up for the task write us an email to including your preferences regarding your mentee. As mentees will arrive either at the beginning of January or the beginning of February, please don’t forget to mention in the email if and when you are on vacation around that time in order that we can ensure that you are in Copenhagen at the time of your mentee's arrival.

If you have any further questions you are welcome to contact us via email as well. But be quick – mentees will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

Become a mentor – Become a part of KU’s international network!
Kind regards
IMECO (the International Mentor Coordination)


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