Der var mange forskellige politiske interesser bag UK's Brexit, og man kunne frygte, at UK ville føre en mere protektionistisk politik efter Brexit - for slet ikke at tale om, at EU vil optæde protektionistisk over for UK
Det sidste kan ikke udelukkes men Theresa Mays Brexit-tale var særdeles positiv i et frihandelsperspektiv. Hun annoncerede et skarpt brud med EU og med det indre marked og afviste, at UK skulle være halvt med i det indre marked som Norge.
I en tale, der er båret af positive visioner for UK - man fristes næsten til at kalde den for en "Make Britain great again"-tale, men hun brugte ikke de ord, annoncerede Theresa May, at UK vil søge den størst mulige grad af frihandel og gensidig fri adgang til EU's markeder, ligesom hun taler stærkt for at indgå frihandelsaftaler med lande uden for Europa. Ikke bare USA, men også Kina, Brasilien, Golfstaterne, Australien, New Zealand og Indien:"we seek the greatest possible access to it [EU] through a new, comprehensive, bold and ambitious Free Trade Agreement."
"an important part of the new strategic partnership we seek with the EU will be the pursuit of the greatest possible access to the Single Market, on a fully reciprocal basis, through a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement."
"But it is not just trade with the EU we should be interested in. A Global Britain must be free to strike trade agreements with countries from outside the European Union too.
Because important though our trade with the EU is and will remain, it is clear that the UK needs to increase significantly its trade with the fastest growing export markets in the world.
Since joining the EU, trade as a percentage of GDP has broadly stagnated in the UK. That is why it is time for Britain to get out into the world and rediscover its role as a great, global, trading nation."
We want to get out into the wider world, to trade and do business all around the globe. Countries including China, Brazil, and the Gulf States have already expressed their interest in striking trade deals with us. We have started discussions on future trade ties with countries like Australia, New Zealand and India. And President Elect Trump has said Britain is not “at the back of the queue” for a trade deal with the United States, the world’s biggest economy, but front of the line.
"I also want tariff-free trade with Europe and cross-border trade there to be as frictionless as possible."---
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