This spring Economists Without Borders hosted a Case Competition on the economic effects from the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In the wake of this a study trip to Brussels has been arranged in the fall of 2011 in collaboration with MS ActionAid Denmark. The trip is offered as an MS program about lobbyism and the CAP and we have been granted a number of slots on the MS trip. There are still a few slots left (7) that will be given to the people that responds the quickest.
Although the planning is still on-going, the dates have now been confirmed and a preliminary program may give you an idea of the content. Please note that there may be alterations to the program, but that MS and EWB will of course do everything possible to make the trip as exciting as possible!
The price for the trip is 2.500 DKK, which includes hotel and flight tickets. The deadline for sign-up is September 16 2011. The MS program is taught in English so of course all content on the trip will be as well. Please write if you have any interest in participating in the trip or if you want additional information. Payment for the trip should be transferred at the latest on September 16 2011.
Best regards,
Economists Without Borders
Preliminary program:
Wednesday, October 19
09.00-11.30 Departure Copenhagen-Brussels and hotel check-in
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.30-15.30 Meeting with CONCORD
15.30-17.00 Paul Goodison / Agritrade
17.00-? Dinner and socializing
Thursday, October 20
09.00-11.30 Meeting with parliamentarians
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.30-15.30 Tour of Parliament
15.30-17.00 COPA or Danish Dairy Board & Danish Agricultural Counsil
17.00-? Dinner and socializing
Friday, October 21
09.00-11.30 Olivier Hoedemann / Corporate Europe Observatory
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.30-15.30 DG AGRI/DEVCO
15.30-17.00 Den permanente danske repræsentation i Bruxelles
17.00-? Dinner and socializing
Saturday, October 22
Brussels on own and going home to Copenhagen
Martin Nø...
I skriver, at ‘tunge viden...