Can you give an example of a problem you go through in the course?
The Trade Off between Social justice and economic efficiencies e.g. is it optimal
to provide private insurance benefits versus state intervention. And do we
through our welfare systems structure pass a bill to the next generation. Are the
Danish Welfare models sustainable? Here is required an elementary knowledge
of the DREAM model.
Are there any courses it would be an advantage to pass before this?
Just general knowledge in macro economy. Economist can immediately follow
the course after Macro III.
Achieved competence after the course and job opportunities
It will be expected of the students – finishing this course – that they will bequalified to be able to administrate economic and political analyzing functions,
on a fair level in both the public and private sector. Some students could be
employed in analysis functions/jobs in research units or units of analysis, other
students in this course can be employed in international as well as national –
regional or in municipalities – as well as in private companies, banks, insurance
and in pension funds, and voluntary institutions, and social, humanitarian
associations and NGO’s who are working with social welfare, social conditions or
Does this course give the student abilities to join other courses?
Often I offer seminars about Welfare Policy. This autumn the class is about
Equality and inequality during the financial and economic crisis. Also many
students take Master Thesis in Welfare Economy Themes.
If I like this course, are there any other course I can join which complements this?
Any course on the Public Sector, Health care and labor market policies.
What could be a master thesis topic related to your course?
• The pension system and the sustainability on the Danish Economy.
• Different Welfare Reforms and their Social and economic impact.
• Private or public health care.
• Welfare Reforms and the labor market.
• Economic distribution, Poverty And disintegration.
• EU and the social policy.
Martin Nø...
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