For the fourth year in a row we are glad to present you this year’s inspirational day for master students. This is one of the few events where master students at Polit can come together to get inspiration for their course choices, future career and socialize with each other.
All this takes place on Thursday the 5th of September from 16.30 to around 21:00.
There will be presentations from people employed in both the public and private sector who will talk about their career choices, how they use their economic background at work etc.
There will be served coffee, tea, soft drinks, fruit and snacks during the breaks and also sandwiches around dinner time, so you do not have to bring your own food or beverages.
The event will be held at CSS in room 1.1.18.
All content will be in English.
In late August we will announce the final programme but sign up already now for the event by attending this facebookevent.
We hope to see many graduate students at the event.
This event is sponsored by DJØF Students and The Boston Consulting Group. We are very thankful for their support.
Best regards,
Martin Nø...
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