Semester start meeting in Economists Without Borders

Economists Without Borders invites everybody to the first meeting of this semester. The meeting will also function as the annual general assembly with election of executive committee. We will be serving pizzas and drinks. Beers will be served afterwards and we might end the night at Stue 11.

Come if you are new to our organization and want to learn more.

Come if you already know of us and want an update on activities and projects.

Come if you want to help out on existing projects or if you have a new idea for a project.

We hope to see you there!


Date: 6th of October 2011

Time: 7:15 pm

Place: Room 2.0.18 at CSS (Center for Social Sciences)

Food: Pizza and drinks

PS: Check out our new website:


In accordance with the by-laws of Economists Without Borders the agenda for the night will look as follows:

1.      Election of moderator for the night

2.      Election of referent for the night

3.      The board/the chairman presents the year that has been passed to the assembly upon which it will be possible to give remarks. Approval is votes on by the assembly.

4.      The past years financial statements and budget is presented to the assembly. Approval is votes on by the assembly.

5.      New suggestions.

 - New initiatives within the organization: Internship aid.

 6.      Electing boardmembers and substitutes.

 7.      Electing accountant and substitute.

 8.      Anything else?

 - Buy t-shirts

 - Sign up as a member


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