Join UCEC and boost your résumé!

These last eight months UCEC has been on the road to success. With 228 new members, a 16 person steering committee, and three faculty advisors we are constantly working to reach all faculties and students and to bring entrepreneurship to KU. Further we have many projects in the pipeline:

  • September and October events
  • Initiate advisory board
  • Case Competition
  • Business idea competition
  • etc.

All these great plans require interested and ambitious people to make it happen. Therefore, we invite you to our office for an introduction to the club with party afterwards. The event starts at 15:00 on May 6. After an introduction and discussion of next year's opportunities (plus free beer) we will go to Denmark's best Friday Bar: LIFE's fredagsbar.

University of Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Club
Nordre Sti 3, 1. sal
1870 Frederisberg

Send a mail to with subject "Sign me up for May 6"


UCEC, the University of Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Club, is a student-driven club with the goal to encourage student entrepreneurship at the University of Copenhagen.

The UCEC vision is to become the leading student entrepreneurship club in Europe by: Challenging students to get out of their comfort zone, inspiring students to think big, and giving them the balls to follow their dreams.


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