To Madrid for example …

KPMG International Case Competition 2013 (KICC) offers you and three teammates the chance to tackle a tough real world business issue. But that’s not all. If you win the Danish finals, you’ll find yourself on your way to Madrid on an all-expenses-paid trip from April 2nd to April 5th 2013. Here you’ll compete amongst the brightest minds for the international title and network with yourpeers from around the world. 

We’ll give you:

  • A complex international business case
  • 3 hours to work together in your team of four MSc students enrolled at the same university


  • Come up with recommendations to the case company’s given business issue
  • Present these recommendations to an experienced panel of KPMG professionals

Who can participate? 

Anyone who is on a full-degree master’s program at CBS, KU or AU with strong English skills. 

You don’t need to be studying a particular subject to take part. But you have to be team players with:

  • A profound interest in business and a passion for excellence
  • Strong analytical skills within finance, strategy or management
  • Flair for critical thinking and performance under pressure
  • The ability to absorb a range of information quickly, think through ideas and present solutions 

Most importantly, you and your team have to challenge your own thinking and come up with business solutions that are innovative and refreshing. 

Rise to the occasion 
Push yourself 
Go beyond

Find out more on and send your team application to 

Deadline: Monday, December 10th, 2012


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