Hvilke konkrete problemstillinger tages op i faget?
As the title suggests, this course deals with monetary phenomena and policy. We will go through a number of different models, where number > > 2, if anyone should still think that we only teach one model at the Department. We will look at central questions as: Does monetary phenomena matter for real variables like output, unemployment etc.? If monetary policy indeed has real effects (spoiler alert: it has), how should policy be designed for achieving various goals? Which policy goals should you pursue? Should you commit to a rule or allow discretionary monetary policymaking? Should you coordinate monetary policy with fiscal policy, and/or with other nations? Can you do monetary policy when the lower bound on the interest rate bind? I could go on; we cover actually a lot. And not to worry, even though the course is mainly theoretical, we look at the empirics along the way.
I hvilke jobsituationer er dette relevant?
This is relevant in any job situation where there is a remote chance that people will start discussing whether the monetary policy of Sweden or the US is a good idea (and not just over lunch). So I would guess that will cover quite many working environments.
Hvilke fag er det en god idé at have fulgt før jeg følger dette fag?
You should have taken Macro C. Period. We use dynamic analysis a lot and use rational expectations (and also adaptive expectations; I am not a part of any economic school). So you should not be afraid of mathematical rigor. Math is a wonderful tool to make your thoughts consistent. But as I always tell high-school students when they visit us to hear about the economics programme: “Math is just a tool, but it does not create truth”. (I also quote French author Andre Gide on that occasion: “Believe those are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it” – an appropriate motto for the course.)
Giver dette fag kompetencer fordele til at tage andre fag?
I am unsure here, as it more complements other courses, so I jump to the next.
Hvis jeg kan lide dette fag, er der så andre fag der vil passe godt til det?
I would guess that any master’s course on macroeconomics will fit well. My slight hesitation comes from the fact that we live in an Absalon environment where all teaching is done behind closed doors. So I don’t know the details of other courses - the details are secret for the world, non-participating students and colleagues. (Knowing a few headlines and the name of a book doesn’t give you the DNA of the course.)
Hvad kunne være en tænkt specialeoverskrift i dette fag?
I have had the pleasure of having many students writing theses building on subjects we have covered, or taking up things we couldn’t squeeze into the course. Students have written about “Inflation Targeting”, “Quantitative Easing”, “Learning and monetary policy”, “Optimal Monetary Policy”, “The policy conduct of the ECB”, and so on.
This course is guaranteed Absalon free. As I explain here, I refuse to hide teaching from the public and my colleagues - here and everywhere.
Martin Nø...
I skriver, at ‘tunge viden...