**English below**
Efter flere år med kritik af Finansministeriets regnemetoder fra forskellige fløje og faggrupper, gik også økonom og professor emerita Katarina Juselius ind i debatten, da hun i august måned udgav sin nye bog, hvor hun med egne ord "tager et opgør med finanskapitalismen".
Men hvad går Juselius' kritik ud på?
Vi har invitereret Mads Kieler, som er afdelingchef i Finansministeriets afdeling for Aktuel økonomi og makromodeller. Kieler vil forholde sig til kritikken fra Juselius og samtidig gøre os klogere på, hvordan og med hvilke forbehold Finansministeriet i virkeligheden regner.
Kom og bliv klogere mandag den 25. november kl. 17.15 i lokale 35.01.06. Der vil være snacks og lidt til ganen fra kl. 17. Arrangementet vil foregå på engelsk.
Tilmelding sker gratis via følgende link:
SØS invites you to join an interesting evening where Mads Kieler, Head of Department for Current Economics and Macro Models at the Ministry of Finance, will elaborate the use of the economic models used by the Ministry of Finance. Further, Katarina Juselius, former professor at Copenhagen University, will give an introduction to why she has criticized the very same models.
Lately, there has been a lot of focus on the use of the economic models which the Ministry of Finance uses to determine how well the Danish economy is doing. Katarina has, with her research, been one of the leading voices when it comes to criticizing the models.
According to Katarina, the models lack empiric relevance and, as they are now, do not account for e.g the effect of environmental changes. As a response to Katarina’s critic, leading economists have argued that economic models are tools, and they cannot be 100 percent correct in their predictions and with this in mind, the economic models are still useful tools.
17:00: Drinks, snacks and networking
17:15: Welcome by Chairman of Social Økonomisk Samfund
17:45: Presentation by Katarina Juselius, former professor at Copenhagen University
18:15:Presentation by Mads Kieler, Head of Department for Current Economics and Macro Models at the Ministry of Finance,
18:45: Q&A
19:00: Thanks for today
Martin Nø...
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