Risk management i en finanskrise-tid

Danske Bank Group Invites you to a seminar on Risk Management in times of financial crises

Tuesday May 19th, 15:30 - 17:30

Danske Bank Auditory (SP201), CBS - Solbjerg Plads, Frederiksberg


The financial crises have caused market participants to review their perception of risk and liquidity in response to the increased volatility and risk premiums (spreads) in the financial markets. All financial institutions have been severely affected by the crises as global growth has declined significantly and government intervention with recapitalization of financial institutions, monetary and fiscal policy is on the agenda.

The presentation looks at the turmoil from a risk management and a market perspective covering the risk strategies available for financial institutions and other market participants.  

The presenters are:

-          Senior Vice President Sune Visti Petersen, Risk Management, Group Finance

-          Chief Analyst Thomas Thøgersen Grønkjær, Credit Research, Danske Markets

After the seminar we will serve some refreshments and you will have the opportunity to talk to employees from Danske Bank Group.

Sign up: http://career.cbs.dk/events/


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