Save the date: Inspirational day for master students

For the third year in row a group of students are arranging the inspirational day for master students.

It is a day where (primarily) new master students can come together to get inspiration for their course choices, job opportunities plus a chance to meet some of their peers.

All this takes place on the 8th of September from 11.00 to around 16.30 (yes it’s on a Saturday). Afterwards the organisers will offer a little drink and an opportunity to chat and socialize with other master students. The event will be held at CSS - the exact room to be announced along with a detailed agenda at a later time.

All content will be in English.

Please sign up for participation by sending an e-mail to

We hope to see a lot of new master students and “old” master students are of course welcome as well.

- Kandidako


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