STAFET: Daniel Nguyen

Elena Paltseva har denne gang sendt stafetten videre til Daniel Nguyen. Se her hvad han svarede:

Where is your favorite place to eat in Copenhagen?

If you should recommend a good book, which one would it be?
For fun: Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace
For economics: Freakonomics, by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt

What, is anything, should have realized earlier in your life?
Facebook is not a substitute for face-to-face.

What is the best part of your job?
Flexibility: you get to choose which 100 hours you work each week.

Which bill do you hate to pay the most?
Student loans

What is the most beautiful result in economics and why?
Arrow's Impossibility Theorem, because it is shows we cannot do/know everything. It's an economic version of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Which famous economist would you like to spend an afternoon with?
Both of them.

What is the most important lesson, learnt from the financial crisis?
Bankers are really good at maximizing personal wealth.

Læs med næste gang og se hvem stafetten lander hos.

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