UCEC / BCG 2012 Case Competition and Workshop

Consultancy is the same regardless of field: A person is hired by someone else to solve a problem. All consultants must learn some basic tools to do their job. They must learn to frame, specify and present the proposed solution. Why don’t you learn this too?

The University of Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Club (UCEC) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) invite students from both the University of Copenhagen, CBS, ITU and DTU to a Case Competition. Students compete in teams of 3-4 persons.

To get everyone off on the same foot there is a ‘How To Solve a Case’-workshop May 2nd. Here you will learn the basic tools that go in to solving a case. It is open to everyone so if you are just curious you can show up without participating in the case. We strongly encourage all Case Competition participants to show up for the workshop but they are not obliged to. There will be a chance to sign up for the competition right after the workshop.

The 7th of May consultants from BCG will present a business case for all the sign-ups. The case will challenge participants to think as strategic consultants in order to solve a business case for a company. Teams will be formed for participants without a team this day. The 9th of May the teams should hand in PowerPoint slideshow that states their proposed solution to the case. The slideshow should have a length so that it could be presented in 15 minutes. A number of finalists will then be selected and invited to present their solution the 11th of May. The presentation will be a public event at University of Copenhagen so everyone is encouraged to show up! The winners will get a prize from BCG.

You can sign up today for the Case Competition by writing casecomp@ucec.dk the names of you and your teammates, school, year of study and faculty. Deadline for signing up is 4th of May.

There is no need to say that participating in the Case Competition will give you great experience, look good on your CV, expand your network and be fun!

‘How To Solve a Case’-workshop:
Time: 2nd of May, 16:00 – 18:00
Place: CSS, University of Copenhagen
Room: 1.1.18

Presentation of case:
May 7th, 16:30 – 17:30
Place: CSS, University of Copenhagen
Room: 1.1.18

Hand in of slideshow:
Please send slideshow to: casecomp@ucec.dk no later than 24:00 the 9th of May

May 11th, 14:15 – 18:00
Place: CSS, University of Copenhagen
Room: 25.01.53



About UCEC

UCEC, the University of Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Club, is a student-driven club with the goal to encourage student entrepreneurship at the University of Copenhagen. The UCEC vision is to become the leading student entrepreneurship club in Europe by: Challenging students to get out of their comfort zone, inspiring students to think big, and giving them the balls to follow their dreams.
We are always looking for people to join the team (no matter if you are a first-year student or writing your thesis) – see more about becoming engaged as a volunteer in the club. For more information about Workshops and Events, go to www.ucec.dk

About Boston Consulting Group

Boston Consulting Group is a leading global management consulting firm that partners with clients to deliver customized solutions that resolve their most significant issues and create lasting competitive advantage. The partnership between UCEC and BCG began in 2010 and aims to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship at the University of Copenhagen.



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