UCEC presents Asger Aamund and Claus Meyer

Meet Claus Meyer, co-founder of the restaurant Noma (voted best restaurant in the world in 2010), and Asger Aamund, investor and entrepreneur through the last 32 years. Further, IBM will provide you with unique insight into a smarter planet.



17:00  Welcome by UCEC

17:15   Claus Meyer

18:00   IBM

18:15   Asger Aamund

19:00   Free food and BEER

CSS (Kommunehospitalet)
34-0-01 Chr. Hansen Aud
Øster Farimagsgade 5 A 

Please register on facebook if possible.

Read more on ucec.dk and on facebook


About UCEC

UCEC, the University of Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Club, is a student-driven club with the goal to encourage student entrepreneurship at the University of Copenhagen.

The UCEC vision is to become the leading student entrepreneurship club in Europe by: Challenging students to get out of their comfort zone, inspiring students to think big, and giving them the balls to follow their dreams.

We are always looking for people to join the team (no matter if you are a first-year student or writing your thesis) – see more about becoming engaged as a volunteer in the club. For more information about Workshops and Events, go to www.ucec.dk


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