Welcome to Youtube Economics.
Welcome to Youtube Economics. My name is Mads Stolberg-Larsen, I study economics here at the department (fifth semester) and in the coming two months I would like to share with you some of the most interesting thoughts and thinkers I have come across on the world wild web (one every second week).
I intend to do so in English because I started on the International bachelor (when that was still alive), and I would therefore like all of my classmates and other people from abroad to also understand, what I am writing.
The basic idea of the series is simple: There are so many great lectures, keynotes and debates currently available on Youtube that it is only proper that some of the best regarding the broad field of economics are shared here at Altandetlige.dk. So that is what I intend to do.
I have chosen speakers on a basis of two criteria’s. It has to be thoughtful and it has to somehow be provoking. The last of course applying to what we are taught here at the institution.
So; one speaker every second week for the next two months gives a total of four articles with interesting people. I have already decided upon the first three, but the fourth one I have not chosen yet. Therefore feel free to write me here at AltAndetLige.dk or at mads.stolberg.larsen@gmail.com if you have a good idea for the last one.
Besides from that - I hope you will enjoy the show!
Today’s speaker… Daniel Pink on the subject of motivation!
Like any good economic model a micro foundation is needed before we proceed. This first talk is therefore going to be about the very important, but in economics often neglected, question: What motivates us?
Daniel Pink, who has become a bestselling author by writing about the results of behavioral science, has the answer. And in my view businesses, bondholders and economists should wake up and listen to what he has to say. He is a great communicator so I hope you enjoy this TED talk by him from 2009.
Martin Nø...
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