
A community of peers | Copenhagen

A community of peers. Can you start a career in management consulting while studying? How do you balance the role as a consultant with student life? On March 11, a bunch of our Junior Associate Consultants invite curious students to get a feeling of what being a “JAC” is all about.

To kick off the evening, Managing Partner Hans Henrik Beck will introduce you to who we are and how we work as well as share his bold ambitions for Bain in the Nordics. Our Junior Associate Consultants will give you a glimpse of everyday life as a student at Bain – from solving complex problems for clients to being part of a team of students from a wide array of educational backgrounds. Afterwards, mentors for the community of Junior Associate consultants in Copenhagen Mads Balsig and Salomon Pedersen will share their personal journeys from students to Managers. Surely, this will lead to some lively discussions which we’ll continue when we break out into smaller groups to grab a bite to eat. Dinner is on us!

Go ahead and apply with your CV no later than March 7. The event is open to all bachelor and first year master’s students. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to copenhagen.recruiting@bain.com.



11. marts 2021 00:00




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